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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Governor / Class Rep Morning

Thank you to all the governors and class reps who gave up their time to join us for the morning.

On Thursday the school held a Governor and Class Rep morning providing a closer insight into the brilliant learning that goes on at the school. Below are a couple of comments from the adults involved:

I was very taken by how happy and engaged the children were across the whole school. The lessons were all very inventive which was very impressive to see and I really like the way the progression of learning is handled gently and all pupils are made to feel a part of the class.

It was wonderful to see the variety of activities available to the children and how engaged they were. I noticed that the children in all years were able to listen to teachers well and concentrate on the tasks that were set. The school has created a happy, warm and focused environment.

A great opportunity to see the school in action! I was struck by how happy and confident the children were in all of the classrooms. The children all seemed fully engaged and enthusiastic about learning.