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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Headteacher Awards

Congratulations to our Headteacher Award winners for this term.



During her first term in Reception, Phoebe has consistently shown a range of positive character virtues. She is a kind and diligent member of the class who shows empathy and compassion towards her peers. Phoebe is understanding of the needs of others and regularly forgives others. She is also tolerant of delays and understands that the needs of others may need to be met before her own. Phoebe is always offering to help both the staff and her peers in Reception. Phoebe has made so much progress this term and that is mainly due to her high levels of motivation and ambition. She not only rises to the challenges set within the classroom environment but also continuously sets herself challenges and never settles for just good enough. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch Phoebe’s confidence grow so much over the past term. She has made all of the Reception staff extremely proud. ​

Year 1



Sarah has made a wonderful start to Year 1. She impresses us daily with her ambition to achieve in all areas of the curriculum. She demonstrates tolerance and kindness to others in work and in class discussions. Sarah is always first to listen and participate in lessons. Her readiness to learn is an example to all. Keep up the hard work and well done Sarah. 

Year 1



Olivia has shown great ambition in her attitude towards learning and her approach to completing independent tasks. She is always focused and strives to improve and succeed. She has a mature approach in taking on new challenges enthusiastically. Her creativity shines through in many different areas of the curriculum as she adds her own ideas to her writing, role play, art, dance and music. Throughout each part of the school day, Olivia maintains kind and understanding interactions with other children offering her support and compassion in the classroom and on the playground. Her considerate actions and words are a great example to others. ​

Year 2


Christopher stepped into Year 2 with a smile on his face and an ambition to learn. He is always eager to participate in lessons and thinks creatively about the subjects and topics that he is working on. Christopher does not rush headlong into his work but prefers to work methodically and systematically. His handwriting and presentation benefit from this considered approach and his ideas and suggestions in class discussions are clearly thought through. His calm nature and thoughtful manner often have a positive impact on the choices and behaviour of those around him. He regularly demonstrates small acts of kindness towards others; letting others go first or helping a friend. Well done Christopher.

Year 3D


Samuel has blown us away this term with his mature and responsible attitude to learning. He has met the increased demands of Key Stage 2 with enthusiasm and a can-do attitude, always putting in maximum effort. His charming sense of humour has been a wonderful asset to our class and it is a pleasure to see him walking in with a smile each and every day. Samuel’s love of learning has grown throughout the term and he has confidently expressed this on a number of occasions. His creativity shines through in everything that he does and coupled with his ambition, Samuel continues to impress. Well done on such a fantastic term Samuel.

Year 3FW


This term Dalia has continuously shown ambition, creativity, tolerance and forgiveness. It is clear too see that Dalia has ambition in abundance, she continuously strives to meet and exceed expectations in all areas of the curriculum. Dalia will always ask for guidance if she is finding a task hard, this is such an important skill to have as it shows her drive and ambition to get that task completed. Dalia is also very capable of dealing with difficult situations independently and continues to display tolerance and forgiveness when these situations surface, this mature and responsible attitude will serve Dalia well. It continues to be a pleasure to mark Dalia’s books. Her creativity really does flourish in English where she has demonstrated poetic flare conjuring fantastic images in her use of noun phrases. Well done Dalia and I wish you continued success.

Year 4


Santiago has demonstrated his passion and love for learning this year through his ambitious attitude. He will challenge and push himself at any opportunity and strives to do the best he can. Santiago shows empathy and kindness towards his peers and is a popular member of the class. He shows sportsmanship in competitive situations and support for his teammates. Santiago is incredibly polite and sets a role model example of behaviour in the classroom. He shows resilience in English, producing impressive pieces of writing for a range of audiences and purposes. He approaches problem solving with a positive attitude and takes pride in all his work. I have no doubt he will continue to shine. Well done Santiago.

Year 5


Lilabella has had a fantastic first term in Year 5. She has consistently demonstrated both determination and ambition in her academic work, whilst also really impressing all the staff with the way that she tackled the extra curricular challenges of Hindleap Warren; she showed true character on her first residential school visit. Creativity shines through in each task Lilabella undertakes. In all areas of the curriculum she displays a flair for original thinking and problem solving and she is an example to her peers of how to think laterally.  She always tries to work in a logical and considered fashion and she has a mature and contemplative approach to learning. Congratulations on such a productive term Lilabella, it has been truly gratifying to see the way that your self confidence has grown this term in class. Keep it up and keep smiling.

Year 6


It has been a pleasure to witness the developed sense of maturity and initiative that are so important for Year 6, qualities that Fred displays in abundance. He has really found his stride this term - seeking guidance where necessary; asking insightful questions to further his own learning and reflecting upon feedback given, all carried out with purpose and an enthusiastic mind-set. When tasks are collaborative in nature, Fred dives straight in, bringing humour and imagination to the group. This element of companionship is also evident within the playground where, through his role as KS1 monitor, he often encourages the younger children to participate in activities. Always one to lend a hand, Fred is an asset to the classroom, and I admire the mutual respect he shows for all members of the school community. Well done Fred for an excellent start to your Year 6 journey.