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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Headteacher Awards

Congratulations to our Headteacher Award winners for this term.



Toby is a naturally curious boy who enjoys exploring new topics with an open mind and an eagerness to find out more. Toby wonders about the world around him and enjoys sharing his experiences with his peers in Reception. Toby always has lots to contribute during class discussions but also listens attentively to his peers as they explain their thoughts or share their own experiences. Toby has shown high levels of perseverance this term, in particular with learning his phonics sounds and practicing to segment and blend words. This perseverance is paying off as Toby is becoming far more confident and independent with his reading. Toby’s optimism and positive, ‘can do’ attitude have paid a huge part in how far his reading and writing have progressed this term. Toby is a happy, kind and considerate member of Reception and is an asset to our class. All of the Reception staff are extremely proud of how hard Toby has worked during his first two terms in Reception and his efforts are reflected in how much progress he has made.​

Year 1



Joe impresses us daily with his constant motivation and focus on his work. He is very conscientious and is always seeking advice to improve his work. We are particularly proud of his ability to reflect on his own work and the perseverance he demonstrates to achieve high quality work continuously. Joe puts one hundred percent effort into all his work and is an active participant in class discussions. Keep up the hard work and well done Joe. 

Year 1



Karissa has a fantastic attitude in all that she does. She is always smiling and ready to learn. With belief in herself and an eagerness to improve, she enjoys trying new things. Karissa always tries her best and perseveres when something seems tricky. She comes to school each day full of enthusiasm and determined to try hard. As a result of her conscientious, focused approach, she has made excellent progress in her writing, reading and many other areas. Karissa’s independence has grown and she has become confident in her own ideas. She is curious about the world around her and keen to discover new connections. She continues to impress with the progress she has made! Well done Karissa!

Year 2


Rocio has a positive attitude to her learning and to school life as a whole. In fact, she brightens up the classroom with her optimism and enthusiasm, and regularly contributes to class discussions, encouraging other children to do so as well. She is inquisitive by nature and often brings in books from home which have sparked her curiosity. Rocio is a friendly child who is willing to include everyone in her games. She is generous with her belongings and when working in a group, she shares resources with others. Her positive spirit has impacted her learning, especially in reading and writing, where she has shown a determination to succeed in every task she is given. Well done Rocio, we are so proud of the progress you have made this term.

Year 3D


Talisse’s attitude to her learning this term and throughout the year has been highly admirable and commendable. She demonstrates conscientiousness in every task she undertakes and she ensures that her work is of consistently high quality. Talisse is curious by nature and constantly seeks out ways to further her learning, often sharing interesting facts with the class. Not one to be deterred by a challenge, Talisse relishes in the opportunity to demonstrate and stretch her knowledge and as a result, her confidence has blossomed, particularly this term. Her optimistic character is a wonderful asset to our class and it is a pleasure to teach such a happy, lovely, and hardworking girl.

Year 3FW


Eric has been a shining beacon of positivity throughout the year. He is kind, optimistic and curious. Eric's approach to each day is to tackle it with a courageous smile. He is not only a great help to his peers but to his teachers too, he is a joy to have in the classroom. His kind nature can always be seen no matter how he is feeling. Throughout the year his confidence has continued to flourish, he is a leader in the classroom. Eric’s responsible and thoughtful attitude has allowed him to create lasting friendships in the classroom and outside too. I hope Eric continues to shine and spread his infectious positivity.

Year 4


Frank has been a true asset to Year 4 this year. His perseverance has allowed for a significant improvement in his writing, both quality and quantity. His passion for this year’s topics is infectious and his optimistic and positive outlook towards his learning is a pleasure to have in the classroom. Frank puts 100% effort into and takes pride in his work. He is consistently well behaved and is a brilliant role model for the rest of the class. Frank has also made huge progress with his spellings through hard work and determination. He has been an absolute delight to teach this year and I have no doubt he will continue to shine.

Year 5


Brendan is a deserving recipient of the Headteacher’s Award due to the transformation in his approach to  learning. He has always shown curiosity, especially in science lessons, where he feels most confident, but he has extended this curiosity to further subjects which do not necessarily feel as much of a ‘natural fit’ for him. In addition, he has become more optimistic in his outlook, seeing the positive wider impact that the continual smaller steps in his learning are contributing towards. One of the biggest changes for Brendan has been his perseverance. He commits to tasks and the effort he puts in is reaping great rewards. We are incredibly proud of Brendan and all that he has achieved this year.

Year 6


Just as the season of Spring is known for its new growth and rejuvenation, it is only fitting that Mia too be recognised for the blossoming confidence and renewed belief in herself that she has demonstrated over the past term. Never one to complain, or give up when the going gets tough, Mia has stood firm, welcomed guidance and taken time to act upon it, finding solutions to concepts that pose more of a challenge. Her creativity and imagination have also taken on a new lease of life, with the written word containing such emotion, captivating the reader and taking them on a journey of great discovery. All of this is carried out with much love and attention to detail. Mia should feel ever so proud of her accomplishments and acknowledge that, with a little faith, anything is possible.