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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

National Poetry Day

To mark National Poetry Day on Thursday, Year 5 were joined by some very special visitors. Grandparents from our school community came in to share and enjoy poetry together with the children.

Both grandparents and children learned two poems by heart. After a few run throughs, they were ready, and a fantastic final performance was filmed.

This will then be entered into the Poetry Together Competition - an initiative that focuses on bringing people together through the joy of poetry. The children were then treated to poetry readings by each grandparent and Evie, which was definitely a highlight of the afternoon for everyone involved.

There was a wonderful range of poems shared - from funny poems, to sad ones. There was even a scary one!

We are extremely grateful to those grandparents who gave up their time to join us at school for the afternoon and share their poems, whether they were written by themselves, family members or ones that they enjoyed when they were in Year 5.