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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Governors’ Open Morning

The school recently held a Governors’ Open Morning which provided a closer insight into the brilliant learning that goes on at St Luke’s.

Governors spent the morning visiting the classrooms, talking to staff and children about their work and looking at some of the children’s work that they were doing at the time. Without exception all the children were fully engaged, enjoying their lessons and were extremely polite. Below are a couple of comments from the governors.

  • 'Really impressed that in each class the children were being encouraged to fully understand the process or reason why and not just taught an outcome.'
  • 'The children are very lucky to be in such a warm and welcoming school.'
  • 'This was my first experience of a governors’ morning and it was lovely to see not just the children fully engaged and enjoying their lessons but also to talk to the staff.'
  • 'The full school participated in worship which was fabulous, especially how the older children looked after the younger ones.'

Click here to read the full report.