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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School


The whole school took part in a variety of activities to celebrate World Book Day today. The children (and staff!) looked fantastic in their non-uniform clothes.

A big thank you and congratulations to the many parents, grandparents and family friends who took part in one of the book-themed treasure hunts this week. It was wonderful to watch the supportive collaboration between adult and child, and to hear the rich discussions you were having with your children, along with that shared loved of books and story-telling, which was our whole purpose of making it a family event. We raised a fabulous £74.85, which will go towards books for our school library which reflect diversity.

The winners selected in a raffle from each category (KS1, LKS2 and UKS2) will have the chance to visit Waterstones next week to choose their own book as a prize.