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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Pupil Parliament

Well done to Leo Y and Mabel C-C (both Year 6) who attended Pupil Parliament this week. 

Leo has written an (excellent) account of their day:

On Wednesday at York House, Mabel and I projected out our speeches. We were one of the first to read and I was fairly nervous. We were scrutinised by over 60 pairs of eyes. I wanted to disappear. Mabel stepped in front of the mayor's desk, a beam on her face. With amazing power, she thoroughly executed an awe-striking performance. I was dumb-found by it. I was next. Could I stand up to my school's standard so far? I waded towards my place and spoke. I fumbled. I mumbled. I grumbled. I felt appalled. I had forgotten what I stood for. I walked towards my seat and hoped that my speech wasn’t as bad as it felt. The feeling quickly dispersed as I stuffed myself with optimistic thoughts.

Next thing I knew, we went out for break time. There was a wedding going on so we were all instructed to stay away from the bridge. However, when we were out, only a photograph and a woman with her baby remained. Mabel had made a new friend, a girl who sat next to her. I spoke with with some boys, playing with a hat.

The remaining few who hadn’t read their speeches read them. Then we came to the exciting bit. Meeting the Mayoress of Richmond upon Thames. Her Mace-bearer marched in, saying the Mayor’s full title. Then she came. Her scarlet robes trickled behind her; swaying around her neck was a silver gilded civic regalia; flashy platinum hair complemented her perfect teeth. She was more than I expected.

We had previously voted for a boy and a girl to be deputy mayor and mayor for the pupil parliament. Then again, we repeated the election, but with less restrictions. Inevitably, the winners of the election were Mabel and a boy called Sammy (Deputy and Mayor).

Coming home, I felt great pride to be a part of St Luke’s in Kingston. To be the only school in the whole borough to take part and receive a chunk of the glory. I am sure Mabel felt that too!