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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

The Mayor does not live in a castle

We had the honour of welcoming the Worshipful the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, Councillor Liz Green, to our school.

The visit was a wonderful opportunity for our School Council to engage with local leadership and learn more about the Mayor's role.

After a warm welcome, the Mayor was given a comprehensive tour of our school. She visited several classrooms, including the Nursery, explored the hall, and admired our outdoor grounds. The Mayor also viewed recent pictures of our Joseph production and was highly impressed by the quality of the performances.

Following the tour, the Mayor met with our School Councillors and answered their insightful questions. Unlike the typical queries she receives, our children asked about her favourite aspects of being Mayor and the skills essential for effective leadership, avoiding the usual questions about her age or living in a castle.

During the Q&A session, our nursery children were busily creating their own chains, which they proudly showed to the Mayor.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Mayor (and Brian) for taking the time to visit and inspire our young leaders.

Click here for more pictures.