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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Year 6 Shine at the Crown Court Service in Kingston

This week, our Year 6 children had the privilege of participating in the prestigious Crown Court Service, held at All Saints Church, Kingston. 


The annual service, which brings together local dignitaries, members of the judiciary, and the community, is a time to offer prayers for those involved in the administration of justice in the UK, particularly for our local Crown Court Judges and Magistrates.

Our children, alongside children from Tiffin School, performed beautifully, showcasing their musical talents in front of an esteemed audience, which included the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, adorned in their full civic regalia, as well as judges from Kingston Crown Court in their traditional judicial attire. The children sang with poise and confidence, earning well-deserved praise for their contribution to this important event.

Beyond the performance, the service was an opportunity for the children to witness the rich traditions and formalities of the justice system. They were fascinated by the dignitaries dressed in ceremonial robes and the judges wearing the iconic horsehair wigs. It was a unique glimpse into the world of law and order.

The message of the service, centred around truth, justice, and peace, resonated deeply with the children, reinforcing the importance of these values not only in society but in their own lives as well. We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 children for their outstanding performance and their engagement in such a meaningful community event.