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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Performance Results

Our outcomes show that St Luke's performance is not only better than that nationally in all key measures, but also compares well against local averages in Kingston and Richmond which is no mean feat given that they are top performing local authorities in the country.

The tables below includes data from the national results as well as Richmond and Kingston for comparison.

End of Key Stage 2 Tests and Teacher Assessment

RWM is the combined percentage for Reading, Writing and Maths where the standard was achieved in all subjects.

GPS stands for Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation (sometimes known as SPaG), TA stands for Teacher Assessment.

Attainment Measures Kingston Richmond National St Luke's 2023
RWM Expected Standard 68% 73% 59% 87%
RWM Greater Depth 14% 18% 8% 33%
Reading Expected Standard 80% 84% 73% 93%
Reading Greater Depth 39% 45% 29% 77%
Writing Expected Standard (TA) 77% 82% 71% 93%
Writing Greater Depth (TA) 18% 25% 14% 33%
GPS Expected Standard 81% 84% 72% 97%
GPS Greater Depth 42% 47% 30% 80%
Maths Expected Standard 80% 84% 73% 93%
Maths Greater Depth 36% 40% 24% 70%


Progress Measures St Luke's 2023 St Luke's 2022 St Luke's 2019
Value Added Reading +4.60 +2.50 +3.08
Value Added Writing +1.80 +2.20 +1.90
Valued Added Maths +5.00 +4.20 +2.34

End of Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments

RWM is the combined percentage for Reading, Writing and Maths where the standard was achieved in all subjects.

Attainment Measures Kingston Richmond National St Luke's 2023
RWM Expected Standard 61% 66% 56% 74%
RWM Greater Depth 10% 14% 6% 0%
Reading Expected Standard 74% 78% 68% 81%
Reading Greater Depth 24% 31% 19% 26%
Writing Expected Standard 65% 69% 60% 78%
Writing Greater Depth 12% 18% 8% 0%
Maths Expected Standard 76% 80% 71% 85%
Maths Greater Depth 22% 28% 16% 26%

Year 1 Phonics

Attainment Measures Kingston Richmond National St Luke's 2023
Y1 Expected Standard 83% 87% 79% 97%

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (Reception)

Attainment Measures Kingston Richmond National St Luke's 2023
Good Level of Development 72% 75% 67% 83%

External Performance websites

Please view St Luke's C.E. Primary School's performance tables here.

If you would like to know how St Luke's C.E. Primary School compares with other schools, please click here.