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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

In-Year Transfer INDUCTION Pack

Please find below the documents that form our digital starter pack. Prior to starting at St Luke's C.E. Primary School we need to collect some information from families - please click on the links below to provide this information:

Additionally, there are policies for all curriculum areas and schemes of work, many can be found here. If you should you have any queries about the curriculum please do not hesitate to contact your classteacher.  School Governing Body meetings are held each term and the agenda and minutes are kept in the school should you want to view them at any time.

Parent / teacher interviews are arranged in the autumn and spring terms and an open day is held in the summer term where you can view your child’s work and visit other classes in the school.

We wish you and your child a happy and successful time in the school.