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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Applying for Nursery


Click Here to access information about the different types of nursery education available as well as when and how to apply for a nursery place. 

Starting Nursery in September 2023

Your child must be 3 years old at 31st August 2023 to be considered. 

St Luke's will be offering 32 places:

  • 20 places for All-day (30 hours per week)
  • 12 places for morning / afternoon (15 hours per week)

These will be Monday – Friday, All-day places 8:30-15:30, AM places 8:30-11:30 or PM places 12:30– 15:30. There is a space on our application form to indicate your preferred session; although this is for our information and cannot be guaranteed.

St Luke's is keen to offer as many places as possible to local children who want a place at our nursery.  If we discover that we have spare places in either the morning or afternoon nursery places, we will then offer these spare places as paid for extended sessions.  

How to apply for our nursery

  • Click here to apply for a place in our nursery for September 2024.

The deadline for applications is Friday 1st March 2024, although applications submitted after this date will also be considered. Places will be offered by Friday 3rd May 2023 in accordance with our own nursery Admissions Criteria. If you receive an offer, you must contact the school directly to accept or reject this offer with two weeks.

Parents should contact the office if you would like any more information.

Starting Nursery in January / April 

  • Click here for April 2024 & January 2025.

To be admitted in January, your child must be 3 years old by 31st December to be considered. To be admitted in April, your child must be 3 years old by 31st March to be considered. Offers will only be made if there are spaces in the nursery.