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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Headteacher Awards Autumn 2017

Congratulations to our Headteacher Award winners for this term.




Monty has demonstrated all the character virtues within the four months he has been in Reception. He is always respectful and courteous to the teachers and children in his class and the wider school. Monty has shown that he understands the importance of sharing, often giving up materials he was using to ensure that his peers have a chance to enjoy them too. Monty demonstrates neighbourliness as he is friendly and also a caring member of the class. During this term Monty has shown perseverance in difficult tasks. He has now become very confident creating and drawing. Monty’s infectious enthusiasm and personality has shown through in our recent nativity. What a great start to St Luke’s.   ​




During her first term in Reception, Maya has consistently shown a range of positive character virtues. She showed confidence within the first few weeks in Giraffe class when she not only had to personally embrace the new challenges of starting school but also helped her peers to do the same. Maya continues to show confidence when approaching new experiences and will always try her very best. Maya is extremely respectful of her peers and the choices they make. Maya listens attentively to others as they express their ideas, thoughts and feelings and always takes these into account. We are extremely proud of how hard Maya tries will all elements of school and how much progress she has made in such a short period of time. 

Year 1


Hugo has stood out as a shining example of an enthusiastic learner. He is always attentive in class and is driven to complete all tasks to the best of his abilities. He is a kind and thoughtful boy who is a good friend to all his peers and it is wonderful to watch his confidence grow.

Year 2



Lola-Rose always thinks about other people and shows genuine neighbourliness by looking for ways she can help children and teachers without seeking praise or reward.  Her drive to do her best benefits the whole class, especially when she is working in a team.  This term, we know how hard Lola-Rose has been practising her reading, both at school and home, and she should be very proud of the progress she has made. Congratulations, Lola-Rose, we have been delighted to see your positive attitude and growing confidence this term.

Year 2



Danny has worked consistently hard this term and has a brilliant attitude towards learning. He has grown in confidence in his own abilities and shown eagerness to take on a challenge. Danny has developed his social problem solving and shown leadership qualities both on the playground and in the classroom. He is always ready to support others and offer his help and encouragement, showing respect towards others. His enthusiastic participation in all lessons has inspired his peers.  The Year 2 team are very proud of you and look forward to your continuing success.

Year 3


Edmund has been an absolute joy to have in the classroom this term. He has really grown in confidence and it has been wonderful to see. He puts 100 per cent effort into everything he does and has a highly commendable attitude to his learning. His ambition is evident in the quality of work that he produces and he actively looks for ways to improve. Edmund’s impeccable manners have been noted by all the staff in Year 3 and he shows respect not only to us but to every other member of the class. Well done Edmund! We look forward to seeing you continuing to shine!

Year 4


Olly’s attitude and consistent drive has really impressed his teacher this term. He goes above and beyond at school and at home, and his passion and effort inspires his classmates. Olly takes on feedback happily, which has resulted in a considerable amount of progress already this year, particularly in his writing. Olly is respectful towards adults and property and is always first to offer help around the classroom and take on new responsibilities. Olly is confident about his enjoyment of learning and trying new things, and is always selecting difficult challenges for himself and showing resilience in order to reach his goals. Keep on shining Olly!

Year 5


Alice has exemplified our school virtues in many ways this term. She has shown confidence in her approach to all subjects, and real drive in achieving her best in them. She has matured a great deal in the short time that she has been in Year 5. She demonstrates this maturity through her respectful and considerate manner towards staff and peers alike. Alice consistently impresses in class with her level of engagement in her own learning, and she is a role model for the class in her ability to make connections between concepts.  Another area where Alice showed notable determination was in our cross country sessions. Alice took this on as a personal challenge and she has reaped the rewards of her dedication and perseverance. Well done Alice for an excellent term. 

Year 6


From the moment Caleb set foot in Year 6, it was evident that he was ready to embrace fresh ideas and new learning experiences, and that calm, collected and quietly confident manner that he exudes has never wavered. It is clear that he holds a firm set of moral values close to his heart which is reflected in his written work and within discussions, where perceptive insights regarding the world around him convey great empathy. His determination to succeed, and search for a range of possibilities, is a driving force behind all outcomes. Furthermore, he is not afraid to question and challenge ideas – thus promoting independence of thought and action. I feel privileged to have witnessed his journey so far and eagerly await the next stage.