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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

School Fund Donations

Thank you for donationing to our School Fund.

The school fund is a very important source of revenue for us, particularly at a time when our annual budget does not cover the costs of running the school.

School Fund is used for a variety of purposes but the general principle is that it must be used for the benefit of all the children in the school. It often donates funds to larger projects; recently contributing to our woodland themed library and improving our outdoor spaces including the lower playground and outside the KS1 and KS2 classrooms. In addition, it contributed to the acquisition of new iPads, which children continue to use to support their learning. Every year it provides funding for extra-curricular activities and helps to subsidise the cost of several educational visits for all children.

A letter explaining how to pay a voluntary contribution to school fund was sent out this week and can also be found on our school website (click here).