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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Headteacher Awards - Spring

Find out who has the Headteacher Awards for the Spring term here.

Children have been selected to receive a 'Headteacher's Award' and certificates were presented in this morning's worship.  Click here to find out the winners.

Headteacher’s Award



Finn M

Finn is always attentive, listening carefully and responding with either his knowledge or ideas, or both. He follows sets of instructions given accurately, working especially well in partnership with another child or in a small group. Finn is very kind and caring towards all of Deer Class and has made new friends, supporting children who were new to St Luke's in September.



Lucas A

Lucas is a pleasure to teach, he has a fantastic attitude and throughout his time in Owl Class has shown his resilient nature. He approaches everything in a positive manner. This term Lucas has grown in confidence and maturity; he is a pillar within our classroom. Lucas is someone who is always willing to help as well as a friend to any child who he comes across. His humour not only brings a smile to his friends but his teachers too.  Lucas is a kind hearted boy who will strive to help as many people as he can.

Year 1

Sinead R

Sinead has impressed us with her enthusiasm for learning in all areas of the curriculum. She takes responsibility for her own work and enjoys many successes as a result. She is a polite and cooperative member of the class and we are very proud of her hard work. Well done Sinead. Keep up the hard work.

Year 2

Lois Y

Lois has been an incredibly diligent member of our class since day one in Year 2.  She approaches everything she does with a great attitude and tries her absolute best.  Lois is a brilliant listener during paired and group work, but also contributes her superb ideas with quiet confidence.  She is a kind friend in the playground and looks out for all of the children in the class.  We are so proud of you. Keep up your fantastic attitude!

Year 3

William S

William is a quiet and thoughtful member of the class. Over the last two terms we have watched him grow in confidence and have come to appreciate his hard work and persistence when facing challenges in his learning.  He is a good and kind-hearted  friend to many children and can always be relied upon to help others in need.  It is these qualities alongside his resilience which have made him stand out in the class.  He truly deserves this award!

Year 4

Amy D

Amy, you are always bursting with fruitful ideas and you deliver them all with the biggest smile! You have grown up so quickly since year 2 and are now delightfully independent, mature and incredibly focused! I am so proud to have you in Year 4 as you are so conscientious of your work and are always trying to do your absolute best. Not only are you a great team player but you are also a great peer to all of your class mates and you always lead by example. Your optimistic attitude and hard work will take you far.  We are so thankful for the sunshine you bring to St Luke’s Amy, keep shining!

Year 5ET

Oscar A

It is a real pleasure to have Oscar in our class. His positive outlook and genuine desire to learn mean that he continues to make real progress. He has a quiet and reflective learning style and always tries to solve problems independently using a variety of strategies before asking for help. When the going gets tough Oscar keeps on going, even in the muddiest of Hindleap Warren circumstances. He writes enthusiastically and creatively, always injecting his own unique outlook and tone into each piece. Oscar relishes challenge in maths and enjoys creating his own problems for us to solve. He is a truly original thinker who keeps us all on our toes and he thoroughly deserves this recognition.  

Year 5SD

Akira D-N

Akira is becoming an excellent student. She is a conscientious worker who has consistently given of her best. In all areas of school life, Akira calmly faces challenge, can be relied on to complete all tasks asked of her and is always willing to encourage one of her classmates. In addition, Akira is polite and respectful to others, modelling excellent behaviour at all times.

Year 6

Lily C

WOW! What a transformation! Although you have always enjoyed school and learning, you have reached another level! Through your hard work and determination, you have increased your concentration and focus in lessons and this is reflected in the improvement in your work. Your attitude to your learning has also matured. You set yourself individual targets across a range of subjects and enjoy sharing your achievements. You have a wonderfully positive attitude and can always be relied upon for a cheering smile. You are a fabulous member of the class and we are all very proud of you Lily. Very well done.