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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Worship at St Luke's

Thank you to Father Martin, who led our collective worship in St Luke's Church this week.

We found out about various elements of the church including the twelve pillars which represent the disciples and the tribes of Israel.

We then looked at the beautiful stained glass windows which depict different stories from the Bible including when Jesus calmed the storm. Several people come to the church just to looked at the ‘Peace be still window’.

Next, we looked at the different carvings including the heads on the pillars which show the different people who worshipped at the church. They included Queen Bertha of Kent who helped to re-establish Christianity.

Finally, we looked at the carvings at the top of the pillars – they are all different! This helps us to remember that we are all different and special, blessed by God.

Looking around the church we were reminded of God’s bounty and wonderful creations. Thank you Father Martin for our lovely worship!