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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's Summer Fair

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the Summer Fair!

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed in some way to the fabulous Summer fair. It was a lovely day (despite the cloudy weather) and was well-attended, with a wonderful range of stalls, activities and demonstrations. The total of takings increased this year to a fabulous £5068.27! So, to anyone and everyone who helped in any way  -  from running stalls, participating in a demonstration, compering on the microphone, getting wet in the splat the teacher stall, serving up food and drink etc - thank you!

Particular thanks are due to the PFA committee members for their work over several months in pulling the Fair together. A special mention to Lily (Year 6) who sold her creations at the Fair and helped to raise over £100 for ‘The Make some Noise’ charity, helping children with limited lives and those living with disabilities.