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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Sports Day!

The children enjoyed Sports Day, despite the rainy weather.

The sun tried to come out for Sports Day today and everyone tried their best in the damp conditions. Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children all jumped, egg and spooned, dribbled and threw their way to victory. Unfortunately the wet weather got involved and we had to end our exciting day before the races could take place. We will finish the outstanding sporting activities at school before the end of term and add the points to the points accumulated today. Well done to all our competitors, and a special thank you to the staff and parents helpers for their fabulous support.

There was better weather yesterday and the nursery children loved their Sports Day, enjoying lots of sporting activities on the astro-turf. Thank you to parents for your cheers of support and a special thank you to the year 6 children who helped the nursery children take part.