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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Headteacher Awards - Summer Term

Find out who has the Headteacher Awards for the Summer term here.

Children have been selected to receive a 'Headteacher's Award' and certificates were presented in this morning's worship.  





Freddie always shows respect to his peers and teachers, listening carefully and speaking politely.  He is always brilliantly behaved and tries his best in all areas.  All of his teachers have been so pleased to see how Freddie’s confidence has developed over the year.  He now is happy to share his ideas working well with a partner or as a group.  He has shown himself to be very thoughtful and it has also been great to see his sense of humour emerging!





Throughout her time in Reception Freya has demonstrated a mature, honest, caring and humble nature. Freya has many talents and is always ready to develop her set of skills. She has really enjoyed learning about phonics, willingly listening to the teachers’ feedback to move her onto the next step in her learning. It has been very humbling to see how Freya interacts with children in the classroom and outside of the classroom, she demonstrates the St Luke's ethos effectively. Freya will help children without being prompted, providing not only support but also encouragement. From the very beginning Freya has been a respectful and focused member of the class, she willingly uses these qualities to help other children when she can. Well done Freya and thank you.

Year 1

William W

William has a thirst for learning and is always eager to expand and share his knowledge of the world, particularly in science and history. Throughout this year, he has shown tremendous focus in lessons, always contributing and working well with his friends in the class. William has developed the confidence to make the right choice often when this is not easy to do. All his teachers have been delighted with William's progress and attitude this year. We wish him all the very best for Year 2.

Year 2



Milly stood out from her first day in Year 2 because of the respect she shows everyone around her, including teachers and children both younger and older.  She genuinely cares for the wellbeing of those around her and is a joy to teach.  Her manners are impeccable and this has made her such a great role model in the class.  Through her kind and bubbly nature, she has built the confidence of other children in the class.  Milly has done this by supporting and encouraging them during group and paired work.   She focuses on all challenges given to her and has put in a tremendous amount of effort into her learning this year.  We are so proud of you, Milly!

Year 3



Ella came into year three like a flower in bud, waiting to bloom.  This term she has truly blossomed! Her confidence has developed in class and she regularly shares her thoughts, ideas and home learning in a way that draws others in and engages them.  She is a model of good behaviour but more importantly, of being a good friend to all.  In her learning, she focuses quickly and considers carefully the task ahead.  She may be small but she has a huge amount of enthusiasm.

Year 4

Sophie C

Sophie has an outstanding determination with her learning, always striving to achieve her best. She sets her own personal targets, even displaying them in front of her on her whiteboard, and challenges herself to meet them. Sophie has increased her collaboration, helping and working better with others. She has grown in maturity and is showing more independence in resolving problems around the classroom. Her confidence ensures that she can ask sensible questions, encouraging deeper thinking. Sophie is an all round truthful and responsible member of year 4.

Year 5ET

Ishaq M

Every day, Ishaq comes into the classroom with a big smile on his face.  His ‘good morning’ is usually followed by one of his amusing comments or actions (he knows what we mean), so every day with Ishaq begins with laughter.  The quality of ‘wonder’ is personified in Ishaq who greets every new concept with excitement, openness and enthusiasm, eager to learn more and to share his discoveries with others. He seems determined to enjoy everything that comes his way. He is respectful of his classmates and teachers and this is demonstrated in his courteous behaviour and the way he is always amongst the first to offer help to others.  Above all, Ishaq is an exceptionally kind boy, thoughtful and considerate and we all know how seriously he takes his responsibilities as a guinea pig owner! Having him in our class has been a complete pleasure as he is a charming, kind and generous-hearted person who always strives to do his best.

Year 5SD

Fred C

Fred is maturing into an independent learner who takes responsibility for his actions. He has increasingly shown an ability to focus on his work, ignoring distractions and challenging himself to complete a task. Fred is often the first to settle to work and has shown his determination to succeed by asking questions and looking for answers. This application to stay focused has led to a greater confidence in the way he contributes to the class, demonstrating thinking around problems and applying what he has learnt.  Well done Fred for a very successful year.

Year 6



Ever since Rosie started at St Luke's she has been a role model for demonstrating great focus and determination in her work. Always eager to take on any task and challenge, she strives to complete them to a high level. Rosie not only thrives on the academic side of school, but she has embraced different challenges outside the classroom. By working extremely hard, she has enjoyed lots of success and is leaving St Luke's as a confident student who has lots of exciting opportunities ahead, and I wish her all the best with each and every one of them. Well done, Rosie.