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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

King Lear

Years 3 to 6 have had the pleasure of participating in a Shakespeare workshop run by the Orange Tree Theatre.

This year the play is ‘King Lear’, a tragedy centred on an aging king who divides his kingdom between his three daughters. The interactive storytelling workshops run by the company actors allowed the children to explore the plot and characters so that they will be familiar enough with them to be able to enjoy the language and wonderfully imaginative staging when they go to see the performance next week.

‘This week St Luke’s have enjoyed being part of Orange Tree’s workshop of King Lear. It was a very exciting experience and was a great interactive activity. The workshop leaders were excellent. They helped us to understand the Shakespearian language and made sure everyone was involved. With everyone interacting they helped us get into character and create some very dramatic scenes. With the workshop ending on a cliff-hanger, St Luke’s are very excited for the performance.’

Holly & Fin (Year 6)