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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

Statutory Information

Each school is required by law, (The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016), to make the information below available. 

If a parent would like a paper copy of the above information, please ask at the office.

School contact details 

School name Contact Us
Postal address Contact Us
Telephone number Contact Us
Name of person who deals with queries from parents and the public Contact Us
Name and details of your special educational needs (SEN) co-ordinator (SENCO) SEND Information

Policies and other information 

Behaviour policy Policies
Statement of values and ethos  Aims and Ethos
Charging and remissions policy Policies
Complaints procedure Complaint Procedures
A link to, or copy of, your most recent Ofsted report   Ofsted Report
School opening and closing times The School Day
Equality objectives Policies
Details of how you comply with the public sector equality duty (update annually) Policies
A link to the school and college performance tables and your school’s performance tables page Click here
Details of the amount of time off taken by staff who are union officials  None
Number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k, in £10k bandings (a table is recommended, update annually)  None
A link to your school’s dedicated page on the ‘schools financial benchmarking’ service  Click here
A written statement of your relationships education, or relationship and sex education (RSE), policy Policies
Uniform policy School Uniform

Special Educational Needs (SEN)  

SEN information report (update annually) SEND Information


For each academic year, the content of the curriculum for each subject Curriculum Overviews
Details of how someone can find out more about your curriculum Curriculum
The names of any phonics or reading schemes you’re using Core Subjects


Your school’s admission arrangements Admissions
How you’ll consider applications for every age group Admissions
What parents should do if they want to apply for their child to attend your school  Admissions
Your arrangements for selecting the pupils who apply  Admissions
Your oversubscription criteria (including the order in which they’re applied) Admissions
A timetable for organising and hearing admission appeals for your school Appeals
How you’ll deal with in-year applications for the following school year In Year Applications

Pupil Premium Strategy 

Pupil premium strategy statement Pupil Premium Funding
The impact of the previous year’s expenditure  Pupil Premium Funding
Amount of pupil premium allocation for the current year Pupil Premium Funding
A summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at your school Pupil Premium Funding
How you’ll spend the grant to address those barriers and the reasoning for that approach  Pupil Premium Funding
How the impact will be measured Pupil Premium Funding
The date when you’ll next review your pupil premium strategy  Pupil Premium Funding

PE and Sport Premium 

How much funding your school received for the current academic year Sport Premium Funding
Details of how your school spent, or will spend, the funding  Sport Premium Funding
The effect of the funding on pupils’ sport participation and attainment  Sport Premium Funding
How you’ll make sure these improvements are sustainable  Sport Premium Funding

How many pupils within your year 6 cohort can:

·  Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres 

·  Use a range of strokes effectively

Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations 
Sport Premium Funding

Key Stage 2 (KS2) Performance Data 

The % of pupils achieving the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths Assessment Results
% of pupils achieving a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths Assessment Results
Average progress in reading Assessment Results
Average progress in writing Assessment Results
Average progress in maths Assessment Results
Average scaled score in reading Assessment Results
Average scaled score in maths  Assessment Results

Governance Information

The structure and responsibilities of the governing body and its committees, and full names of the chair of each Governors

For each governor who’s served at any point over the past 12 months (including associate members):

  • Full name
  • Term of office
  • Date of appointment
  • Date they stepped down (where applicable)
  • Who appointed them
  • Register of business and financial interests
  • Governance roles in other educational institutions
  • Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or between governors and school staff
  • Attendance record at governing board and committee meetings over the last academic year 