Welcome to Reception
Below is our most recent blog from Reception. This includes a summary of the two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc). These will be updated every other Friday.
Click here for the topic flow plan for the Spring Term.
Click here for the latest blog
Friday, 6th March 2020
Over the past term, Reception have been exploring a range of fairy tales and traditional stories. This week the children have been putting their knowledge of the structure of stories to the test and have begun creating their own book. The children have decided who their main character will be, what they are like as well as designing where their character lives. Next week, the children will decide what exciting adventure their character will go on by using their knowledge of phonics to write simple sentences.
In maths, Reception have come to the end of their shape topic and have thoroughly enjoyed searching the school for a range of 3D shapes. The children have really impressed all of the Reception staff with their enthusiasm for this topic and how well they have remembered the properties of these shapes.
On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day and all of the children looked amazing in their costumes. The children enjoyed sharing their favourite stories with their year 6 buddies who also helped them to draw their favourite characters which can now be found in their learning journeys.