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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

High expectations, by all, for all, reflecting the example of Jesus

Year 6 24/25

Below is our most recent blog.  This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc). 

Click here for additional curriculum support for the autumn term.

Blog for Friday 27th September 2024

Year 6 have continued to be astounded by planet Earth and all it has to offer, noticing how others take inspiration from it, be it writers, artists or musicians.

They have immersed themselves in the emotions raised within our English text ‘Varmints,’ which in turn has led to some charmingly crafted descriptive writing reflecting the beauty of nature that is on our doorstep and the need to protect our threatened natural world.

Minds have been put to the test in maths as the children have been getting to grips with special numbers such as factors, multiples and primes. They all agree that having a sound times table knowledge is the key to success, and have built on their application of these related facts with growing confidence and determination.

The children have got their groove on in music recently, learning a traditional song from Angola and exploring its complex rhythm patterns on djembe drums. They then went on to improvise and combine rhythms in a given ‘Semba’ style over a groove.

A highlight of the week was their participation in the ‘Crown Court Service’ which was held at All Saints Church. This service is held every year and it is to pray for those involved in the administration of our Justice System within the UK and, in particular, our local Crown Court Judges and Magistrates. The Mayor & Deputy Mayor attended in Full Civic State (Robe, Chain and Mace) and Judges from Kingston Crown Court also were in attendance in Judicial attire.

  • Leavingchurch

  • Gymnastics

  • CrownCourtService

  • Allsettledinclass

  • Newyear
