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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

High expectations, by all, for all, reflecting the example of Jesus

Year 3 24/25

Below is our most recent blog.  This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc). 

Click here for additional curriculum support for the autumn term.

Blog for Friday 20th September 2024

We have had a fantastic start to Year Three and it has been lovely getting to know the children and see them settling in well! On our first day back to school, we completed some team building activities. These included, each group making the tallest tower that they could out of marshmallows and spaghetti, thinking carefully about what makes a sturdy structure.

In English, we have started our book 'Ug' by Raymond Briggs. This story follows an innovative boy from the Stone Age who dreams of something bigger, a more modern life. Ug dreams of a Stone Age where the food is delicious, we created our own menus with Ug in mind. The children utilised alliteration to describe menu items like; 'beautiful berries,' as well as exaggeration such as the 'best you have ever eaten!' As well as this, Ug dreams of a Stone Age where they are entertained with games. The children then wrote instructions to a game that Ug could play using verbs and adverbs. 

In Maths, we have started our place value topic, we are reviewing the value of each digit in a three-digit number. We have also been reviewing the recall of our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The children very much enjoyed a musical chair type game, when the music stopped they had to record an answer on their times table sheet. 

In History, we have enjoyed becoming archaeologists, uncovering the secrets of the Stone Age. The artefacts that we found were pictures from the Ashmolean museum. These included prehistoric earrings, a cauldron and more. 

In Science, we have enjoyed looking at different types of rocks and describing their properties. The three main different types of rocks are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. The following week we looked at how fossils are formed and handled some real fossils. 

  • TowerofSpag

  • Cavepaintings
