Below is our most recent blog. This includes a summary of the last two weeks including any important information for the coming weeks (reminders etc).
Click here for additional curriculum support for the spring term.
Blog for Friday 14th February 2025
It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of the first half of the spring term! This week has been full of fun and learning for the children and their break is well-deserved. They took on the challenge of planning, drafting and rewriting their own adventure story based on the book The Great Chocoplot. It has been wonderful to see their engagement with the story as well as their independence in coming up with some very creative ideas. Impressively, they incorporated dialogue into their stories, following on from their learning in grammar lessons.
In science, the children investigated pitch of sounds and how to make it higher or lower. After filling glass bottles with different amounts of water, the children used a beater and listened to the sound it made. When they put them into order from lowest pitch to highest pitch, they discovered that the less water in the bottle, the higher the pitch and the more water in the bottle, the lower the pitch.
The children’s progress in times tables has been very noticeable recently and we have seen many of them move on to the next level. They have clearly been practising so all credit to them!