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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

High expectations, by all, for all, reflecting the example of Jesus


Below are the latest news stories.

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  • 05/03/20

    Year 4D Class Assembly

    Thank you to Year 4D for a wonderful class assembly which was very impressive.
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  • 27/02/20

    Year 3 Class Assembly

    Well done Year 3 on a very impressive class assembly.
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  • 27/02/20

    KS2 Author Visit

    Key Stage 2 classes welcomed comedian, author and illustrator Olaf Falafel into school this week to share his experiences of producing books for children.
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  • 27/02/20

    Year 6 SATs Meeting

    Thank you to Year 6 parents for attending the SATs meeting this week.
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  • 13/02/20

    Eddie the Penguin

    Well done to the children in Years 1 & 2 for their lovely performances of Eddie the Penguin Saves the World!  
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  • 12/02/20

    Collective Worship

    Thank you to Mike from Insight for leading our worship.
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  • 06/02/20

    Year 6 SATs Meeting

    Parents of Year 6 children are invited to attend a SATs preparation meeting on Wednesday 26th  February at 9.00am.
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  • 06/02/20


    Thank you to the Good Gym group for tidying the school site on Wednesday morning.   
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  • 06/02/20


    The local authority is currently consulting with the community about reducing the speed limit to 20mph across the whole borough of Kingston.  
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  • 24/01/20

    Half Term Holiday Club

    Please contact Lin Felicien (click here for details) for any last minute bookings for this February’s Half-Term Holiday Club.
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  • 24/01/20

    Parent Survey

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our surveys.
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  • 24/01/20

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year, and welcome back to the new school term.
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