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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

High expectations, by all, for all, reflecting the example of Jesus


Below are the latest news stories.

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  • 07/03/19

    World Book Day

    Well done to everyone for a fantastic World Book Day!
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  • 06/03/19

    Year 3FW Class Assembly

    Thank you to Year 3 for a wonderful class assembly which was lots of fun.
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  • 01/03/19

    Front Garden Project

    You may have noticed that work started this week on transforming the garden at the front of the school.
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  • 01/03/19

    Year 4 Class Assembly

    Year 4 impressed with their class assembly with the children sharing lots of learning from their ‘Save the Planet’ topic.
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  • 01/03/19

    Year 6 SATs Meeting

    There was a good number of parents present at our SATs preparation meeting on Tuesday morning
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  • 13/02/19

    Rock Bottom

    Well done to the children in Years 1 & 2 for their lovely performances of Rock Bottom.
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  • 06/02/19

    Year 6 Worship

    Thank you to Hank, Elizabeth, Tom & Fin for planning and leading our worship this week. 
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  • 06/02/19

    PFA Family Quiz

    Lots of fun was had at the family quiz night held last weekend at the school.
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  • 21/01/19

    Parent & Child Survey Report

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our surveys - a summary report is now available.
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  • 21/01/19

    Spring Term Teaching Overviews

    The teaching overviews for the spring term can be found in the Classroom Information part of the website.
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  • 21/12/18

    Headteacher Awards

    Congratulations to our Headteacher Award winners for this term.
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  • 21/12/18

    Christmas Lunch

    Many thanks to ISS Catering for giving the children such a lovely Christmas dinner. 
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