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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

High expectations, by all, for all, reflecting the example of Jesus

Maths Wizards

On Tuesday a team of enthusiastic mathematicians were selected to compete against 18 different primary schools in the Year 5 Maths Competition hosted by Hampton School.

The children were keen to use their number crunching skills to help them in tackling a range of tricky conundrums.

The mathematicians took part in five rounds of problems ranging from the ‘Always, Sometimes, Never?’ round to ‘Target Numbers’ using all four operations.  Tricky code breaking skills came into play in the ‘Symbols’ round. 

The competition culminated in a final round, in which the pupils had to work together to solve some challenging maths problems. It was an exciting and challenging morning for the teams and they proved themselves to be excellent representatives of St Luke's in their effort and engagement.

The children were very excited and proud to achieve second place medals in the competition! Well done to team St Luke’s mathematicians! 

Click here for more photographs.