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  • Pupil Premium Funding

    What is Pupil Premium?

    Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to schools in England to support and promote the education of children. The aim of the funding is to improve outcomes and raise attainment of disadvantaged children, closing the gap between them and their peers. It was introduced in April 2011, and is additional to school’s main funding.

    Schools are accountable for the impact of pupil premium funding and are required to publish online each year the amount they have been funded for the current academic year, details of how they intend to spend this funding, details of how the previous year's funding was spent and the impact this had on attainment. Please use the links below to access the school's Pupil Premium reports per academic year.

    Current Pupil Premium Strategy

    Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-25

    Who is Eligible?

    • Children whose parents are low-income earners and eligible for free school meals or who have been in the past 6 years
    • Children who are ‘Looked After’ for more than 6 months
    • Children who have a parent in the Armed Services
    • Children who are adopted

    ​What are you entitled to?

    • Free School Educational Trips
    • Additional support for your child's learning and / or wellbeing

    How do I register?

    Registering is easy! You can either contact the school or complete a form online at (online form is for low-income earners only).