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  • St Luke's Agreement

    A successful partnership between home and school helps children enjoy and achieve. Please read the agreement carefully with your child.

    ALL Together we will promote high standards of teaching and learning and behaviours. All areas of school life will be underpinned by our Christian values and we will actively encourage our positive behaviours for learning.

    Pupils – To help me do well at school I will:

    1. Be resilient, work hard and always try your best.
    2. Reflect on what you have learnt and think of ways to improve it next time.
    3. Be a ready learner.
    4. Display a growth mindset and never be afraid to make mistakes.
    5. Show tolerance of those of different cultures and faiths, being polite and respectful.
    6. Be honest.
    7. Take care of our school environment and the equipment we use.
    8. Behave sensibly and responsibly online.
    9. Embrace all the school has to offer – get involved in clubs, activities and events.
    10. Uphold our school’s character virtues in all, that you do.
    11. Help to keep yourself and others safe.
    12. Be proud of the achievements of others and celebrate their success.
    13. Understand that bullying is not tolerated.

    Parents – To help my child at school, I will do my best to:

    1. Listen to your child read at home.
    2. Encourage children to recognise the importance of education and learning, and support their work in school and at home.
    3. Support the school’s behaviour policy and its system of incentives, rewards and sanctions and the school’s policies on inclusion and anti-bullying.
    4. Respect and support all staff, pupils and members of the school community, abiding by the policy of zero tolerance towards rude and aggressive behaviour.
    5. Direct any complaints or concerns through the school’s official channels, so they can be dealt with in line with school policies and procedures.
    6. Not use private groups or social media to complain, criticise or post defamatory comments about the school or members of staff or try to resolve or complain about a behaviour issue involving other pupils (this is not constructive and the school cannot improve or address issues if they are not raised in an appropriate way).
    7. Help keep the school environment safe. For example: keeping dogs out; reporting any issues that might be considered to put the children’s health and safety at risk; not smoking on the school site; not being on mobile phones when collecting children.
    8. Ensure that you and your child use digital technology in an appropriate way that maximises the benefits of the technology but does not place them or others in the school community at risk.
    9. Send your child to school in the correct uniform clearly labelled.
    10. Encourage good attendance, but keep your child at home when they are unwell and inform the school (by 9:10am).
    11. Read all school communications, reply to letters / permission slips, attend regular parent consultation evenings and support extra-curricular activities and events.
    12. Take on board advice from teachers and act upon recommendations for learning at home.
    13. Ensure that children are brought to and collected from school on time and to inform the teacher of any change of routine.
    14. Contact your child’s teachers if you are worried about any aspect of school life.
    15. Ensure that contact and personal details are correct and up-to-date.
    16. Provide the school with consent for their child to be photographed or withdraw that consent.
    17. Provide your children with a healthy breakfast, packed lunch and snacks, where applicable.

    School – The school will do its best to:

    1. Encourage all children to work to their full potential and celebrate their successes.
    2. Provide a high standard of teaching that engages all children and stimulates learning.
    3. Foster moral, social and spiritual values in accordance with the school’s Christian ethos.
    4. Mark school work regularly; giving praise, recognition and support when appropriate.
    5. Provide homework and give clear instructions on its completion.
    6. Encourage and model good behaviour and manners, and follow the procedures set out in the behaviour policy and implement the school’s policies on inclusion and anti-bullying.
    7. Keep parents informed of their child’s social, emotional and academic progress.
    8. Create a healthy, happy and safe environment where children can feel secure and can confidently ask for help with any problem.
    9. Care for all children ensuring that safeguarding procedures are followed and know what to do if they have a concern with children’s welfare, health or safety.
    10. Respect the children in their care and their families.
    11. Be a positive role model and conduct themselves in a professional manner.
    12. Ensure that information collected about children and families is stored and processed in accordance with statutory responsibilities to enable us to carry out our normal school functions.
    13. Ensure that the data we hold is accurate, up-to-date and kept for no longer than is necessary. This includes ensuring that we have explicit consent for the storage and use of photographs and videos that we may use to celebrate achievements or mark special events in our newsletters, school website or other school documents.

    Governors – Governors will do their best to:

    1. Set the strategic aims of the school in line with our vision to help children excel at learning, express their talents, and care for others.
    2. Appoint senior leaders in the school and hold them to account for the school’s performance.
    3. Appraise the performance of the headteacher and hold them to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
    4. Ensure that the school fulfils its legal and statutory requirements for example with safeguarding, the processing and use of data and with finance etc.
    5. Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
    6. Act at all times in the best interest of all the pupils of the school.
    7. Understand the school’s strategic aims, its strengths and key areas of improvement to meet them.
    8. Monitor and analyse the school’s performance, and support and challenge the leadership team to continually improve it.
    9. Meet the expectations of the governing body and senior leadership team by actively participating in strategic discussions.
    10. Attend relevant training to allow them to effectively fulfil their responsibilities as a governor.
    11. Behave in a professional manner, as set down in the governing body’s code of conduct, including acting in strict confidence.
    12. Be available to discuss concerns and issues with parents.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this agreement