St Luke’s PFA is made up of all the parents and carers at St Luke’s, working together to raise funds and support our children’s school experience.
Our role is to raise additional funds for the school through events that our children, their family and friends and teachers can enjoy, such as the Christmas and Summer Fair.
We use the money to pay for things that benefit the children in the school that cannot be funded through the school budget. In recent years we have met funding requests from the school to fund 50% of the touchscreen technology that has been installed into every classroom, purchase 15 new cameras for the children to use, new lighting for the main hall to better illuminate the productions, additional chromebooks and the Wonde subscription – both invaluable during recent lockdowns. The PFA have also regularly covered the subscription cost of the Arbor communication system and paid for every child to receive a school Christmas dinner.
We are currently fundraising to support the school’s ongoing pursuit of the Arts Award. The funds we are raising this year will provide greater enrichment for the children across Reception - Y6, through the provision of new immersive resources from ‘Now Press Play’. The funding will enable the school to purchase 35 wireless headphones, training and a one year subscription, which will cover a wide variety of subjects.
Click here to access the new PFA website.
Facebook – search for 'St Luke’s PFA Kingston'
Email –
Via school – the PFA has a pigeon hole in the school office.
Click on the links on the left to find out more about who we are, what we do and how you can help.