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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

High expectations, by all, for all, reflecting the example of Jesus

Governing Body

Roles and Responsibilities

The Governing Body works in close co-operation with the Headteacher in taking general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards.

The role of the governing board is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher 

Governors have an important role in maintaining the distinctive Christian ethos of the school through developing and maintaining links with St Luke’s Church and Southwark Diocese.

Governors have adopted the Circle Model. This is essentially a 'flat structure' which means that there are fewer standing committees and instead all items are now considered by the governing body as a whole.

As well as attending local governing body meetings, governors engage in appropriate governor and school activities including visiting the school regularly. Governors also serve on various panels that decide on specific matters such as grievances, complaints and staff appointments.

The governing body generally meets six times a year.

Governing Body, as at September 2024:

Please click on each governor for more information.

Ms Maria Netley (Co-Chair)

Governor: Local Authority (Vice Chair)
Date of appointment: 05/10/2002
Term of office: 2024 - 2028
Appointing body: LA
Committees: Finance, Pay

I have been a governor at St Luke’s since 2002 and as an LA governor I had no direct connection with the school and was introduced to the school through the LA.

I have lived in and around Kingston since 1991 and have a degree in Computer Science and spent nearly 40 years working in various large city institutions specialising in the area of Electronic Trading and since 2015 have been working in a freelance capacity.

Outside of the office I am a supporter of Harlequins Rugby club, I play the flute and am still trying to learn the piano and am now learning to sew.  I try to keep fit playing tennis, swimming, cycling and most recently have been trying to stay dry on my Stand Up Paddle Board (not always successfully).  I like to set myself challenges and have done a few charity cycle rides in the past including London to Paris for Help for Heroes, Zurich to Frankfurt for the Alzheimer’s Society and have manged to complete the prudential 100 3 times.

Mrs Liz Ormonde (Co-Chair) 

Governor: Foundation
Date of appointment: 03/11/2002
Term of office: 2022 - 2026
Appointing body: Diocese
Committees: Admissions

I previously had two children at St. Luke's School. Throughout my years as a parent of children in the school, I was an active volunteer in different areas of school life.

I am retired from being a Lecturer in Early Years Education for Kingston College and as an Associate Lecturer at Kingston University. My knowledge and passion for the Early Years means that I have a keen interest in the younger children in the school and the Early Years Curriculum.

Mrs Joanne Topping (Vice Chair)

Governor: Co-opted
Date of appointment: 28/04/2022
Term of office: 2022 - 2026
Appointing body: GB
Committees: Standards

I have lived in Kingston since 2012 and have two children at St Luke’s School.

In my professional life, I have worked in the energy industry for the last twenty years specialising in the development and implementation of digital solutions to manage data in large organisations on multi-site projects.

Most of my free-time is spent enjoying time with my husband & children and their hobbies but if I get a chance, then I enjoy baking, exploring the local area and travelling.

I am very much looking forward to making a contribution to the Governing Body and the school.

Mr Gareth Dutton 

Governor: Headteacher
Date of appointment: 01/09/2015
Term of office: n/a
Appointing body: Ex-officio
Committees: All

As Headteacher of St Luke’s, my role on the governing body is both varied and rewarding. I attend all committee meetings and have responsibility for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and for the implementation of the strategic framework established by the governing body. I discuss all the main aspects of school life with the governing body and expect the governing body to both challenge and support the school to do better.

I have been teaching for over 20 years, firstly in Surrey and Richmond and then in Kingston. My family and St Luke’s fill my life but I still find time for my other loves: reading, sports, listening to music and watching movies.

Mr Daniel Bates

Governor: Co-opted
Date of appointment: 07/09/2017
Term of office: 2021 - 2025
Appointing body: GB
Committees: Standards, Pay

As Deputy Headteacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) at St Luke’s, my responsibilities are divided between my role in supporting the staff to deliver the curriculum, facilitating development opportunities for them and the coordination of the special educational needs provision.

On a day to day basis, I support Mr Dutton in carrying out his duties as Headteacher, and I am a member of both the full Governing Body and the Achievements and Standards Committee. I retrained at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, after an earlier career in IT and all of my previous teaching roles had been in Richmond Borough. Having decided to take the plunge and cross the river to join the team at St Luke’s, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and I look forward to working here for many years to come.

Outside of school life, I enjoy being active – walking my dog, playing football (despite increasingly dodgy knees), skiing and cycling with my wife and two children. I also manage my son’s football team at the weekends.

Mrs Lin Felicien

Governor: Co-opted
Date of appointment: 01/07/2001
Term of office: 2023 - 2027
Appointing body: GB

My time at St Luke’s started in the academic year of 1999/2000 , I then joined the Governing Body in 2002. 

Over the years I have worked alongside staff in both KS1 and KS2 as an HLTA.

I have been the Manager of the LookOut Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club, since 2007 and am proud to work alongside fantastic staff to provide a child/family support system for working families.

My other duties include working with children and families as Pastoral and Behaviour Lead, ELSA and Deputy DSL and co-ordinator of the school premises.

My personal time is spent taking long walks with family and friends and our Cocker Spaniel, Luna.

Fr. Martin Hislop

Governor: Foundation
Date of appointment: 01/06/2000
Term of office: n/a
Appointing body: Ex-officio

As Parish Priest of St. Luke's Parish for the past 18 years the ethos and sense of community that is St. Luke's School is a constant inspiration.

It is my privilege to take a very close interest in the pastoral and educational well-being of the School Community. My own background prior to coming to Kingston involved school and university teaching and chaplaincy.  I take great pleasure in being part of the School Governor team and I very much enjoy my regular participation in School worship and other activities.

MR James Manthel 

Governor: Co-opted
Date of appointment: 08/12/2020
Term of office: 2020 - 2024
Appointing body: GB
Committees: Admissions, Pay

I currently have a child loving her time at St Luke’s.

I run an HR consultancy, specialising in designing and delivering outsourced staffing solutions.

I'm active locally as a Kingston Councillor for our Canbury Gardens Ward and a Volunteer Ranger for the Royal Parks (Richmond Park).

Mr Anthony Vittadini 

Governor: Parent
Date of appointment: 12/12/2020
Term of office: 2020 - 2024
Appointing body: Election

I have three children at St Luke's.

My family have lived in Kingston for twenty years.  When not in Richmond Park or by the riverside I enjoy being out with the kids scooting and cycling, and learning the importance of Pokemon.  I am passionate about a good education for all.

When not with the family, I work in the City as a solicitor. I am a commercial contracts specialists and advise government, NHS, police and other public bodies on a range of service and infrastructure projects including facilities management, catering, cleaning, technology, finance and outsourcing.

Mr Tristan Cogswell

Governor: Parent
Date of appointment: 22/04/2022
Term of office: 2022 - 2026
Appointing body: Election

I grew up in Kingston and have lived here for much of my life. I have three children at St Luke's.

I am a partner in a London-based property company specialising in managing residential and commercial property. This has given me a very good understanding of maintenance and facilities across a broad spectrum of properties and premises.

In my spare time I often go with my family to the park and spend many days walking along the river. I also enjoy cycling and tennis when I get a spare moment.

Mrs Rebecca Munoz

Governor: Staff
Date of appointment: 24/02/2023
Term of office: 2023 - 2027
Appointing body: Staff

I have lived in Kingston since 2007 and my daughter started Reception at St Luke's the year after. Subsequently, all 3 of my children have been through St Luke's and received a very happy start to their school life. I am proud to be a staff member here to help give other children and their families an experience as positive as theirs.

I am in my 9th year working as a TA, mainly in Reception and I have one afternoon a week running emotional literacy sessions with individual children.

As a family we attend Christ Church Fulham where I am part of the Kids Leadership Team. We also love to travel, especially in South America and enjoy watching films together.  

In my spare time I enjoy going for walks, reading and I love a chat with friends and family over coffee.

I am looking forward to contributing to St Luke's in a new way.

Mrs Sally Staveley-Wadham

Governor: Foundation
Date of appointment: 08/03/2023
Term of office: 2023 - 2027
Appointing body: PCC

My husband and I have lived in Kingston for over 25 years. 

I previously had two children at St Luke's, one now studying for her A levels and one at University.

Before having children, I was an account manager (UK and Ireland) for an international cosmetics firm, predominantly working in the travel retail sector, and now I am a part-time bookkeeper at a local chartered accountancy firm.   In my spare time, I enjoy playing tennis, running, reading and meeting friends.

I’m looking forward to supporting the school and helping them to continue delivering the positive experience my children had at St Luke's.


Prior governors (from the past 12 months) 

Mrs Janet Ayris

Governor: Foundation

Date of appointment: 23/09/2003

Term of office: 2021 - 2025

Date stepped down: 31/12/2023

Appointing body: PCC

Mr Ben Webley

Governor: Co-opted

Date of appointment: 08/12/2020

Term of office: 2020 - 2024

Date stepped down: 24/07/2024

Appointing body: GB