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  • FAQs

    Below are some frequently asked questions:

    How can I find out what my child will be learning? 

    There are year group meetings held in September which covers the subjects and topics that children will be learning in the academic year. Class timetables are displayed in the classroom windows each week which shows parents the intended learning intentions for the week. The weekly newsletter includes an update from each class providing information about the learning taking place. There are curriculum overviews available on the website for each year group (click here).

    How do I apply for wraparound Child care? 

    The Lookout provides wraparound child care at St Luke's.

    To apply for a place, please contact Lin Felician (Club Manager) by emailing the school office (click here). More information about the Lookout can be found here.

    Can my child sit next to their friends at lunch time? 

    Yes, children can sit with whomever they like at lunchtimes. There are no set places and children with hot lunches can sit next to children with packed lunches.

    How long do the children get to eat lunch? 

    We aim for no longer than 30 minutes. This gives children enough time to eat their lunch and then have the same amount of time outside playing with their friends. We have a rota for calling children into the hall for lunch so it is fair to all children.

    How do I order uniform? 

    You can purchase school uniform at many shops including, Marks and Spencer, John Lewis and local outfitters. Several uniform items have a school logo and can only be purchased from the school office. These items can be paid for online.

    How do I order/ stop milk, who do I contact? 

    Milk is free for children under the age of 5 and is subsidised for children aged 5-11 years. You can register for this at

    Child's birthday, can I bring in sweets? 

    St Luke’s is a healthy school and we strive to promote healthy living which includes not bringing in sweets to celebrate children’s birthdays. We do acknowledge that birthdays are special days for children so these are marked in school in different ways. We also ask that children donate a book to their class library when it is their birthday to continue to promote a love of reading for pleasure.

    Can my child wear jewellery? 

    At St Luke’s children are not allowed to wear jewellery, including earrings. Children in KS2 may wear a watch but the school cannot accept responsibility for any that may be lost.

    Where is the lost property? 

    Lost property can be found in the Acre Road entrance foyer. Named items will be returned to children during term time and unnamed items are displayed in the playground at pick up time at the end of each of the terms.

    Can I send someone else to pick up my child? 

    Yes, you can nominate another adult to collect their children as long as they are over 16 years of age. You should make the school aware of any change in collection arrangements prior to pick up.

    What happens if my child has an accident (medical or toilet) at school? 

    Children are well looked after if they have an accident. The majority of the staff at St Luke’s are first aid trained and will happily treat children with any injuries. Children wear stickers or a bracelet to show you that they have bumped their head. We will contact you if children are upset or require further medical assistance. All accidents are logged in our accident record book. We will also contact you if children have a toileting accident and require cleaning.

    What do I do if my child has headlice? 

    There are lots of ways to treat head lice, such as applying insecticide-based lotions, wet combing (bug busting) or alternative treatments with essential oils, but whatever the treatment choice, these three steps should always be followed:

    1. Detection – check regularly to see if there is an infection.
    2. Treatment – use your treatment method of choice.
    3. Checking – always be sure to check that the treatment has been effective and keep up those regular checks in the future!

    Do you prepare children for secondary school? 

    Our aim is for all children to acquire the skills necessary for lifelong learning for secondary school and beyond. We have very effective transition plans which help children to move smoothly to any KS3 setting.

    What do you charge for? 

    A large proportion of the education costs are free, but there are a few situations where a charge can be made, e.g. external clubs, breakages, etc. Our charging and remissions policy clarifies these charges and is available on our school website. During the academic year, the school also asks for voluntary contributions to fund activities during school hours which would not otherwise be possible such as school trips, swimming, etc.

    What do I do if my child is sick? 

    Please let the school office know by 8.55am if your child is not going to attend school by either reporting the absence on the Arbor app or by leaving a message on the dedicated line (option 1). This should be done daily for extended absences. If we do not receive a call regarding a child’s absence we will telephone for an explanation. If children have had diarrhoea or have vomited, they should not return to school until 48 hours since the last episode.

    When can I talk to my child’s classteacher? 

    We hold two Parent / Teacher Interviews each academic year which provides information about your child’s progress and social information. There is an Open Afternoon in the summer term giving you an opportunity for your child to show you some of the fabulous work they have done during the year. Teaching staff are happy to talk to you informally during the year and they are available after school to talk to in person or on the telephone. Please email the office to arrange an appointment.

    What are the collection arrangements? 

    At the end of the day you should come and wait outside the classroom door to collect your children. Please collect your nursery child first before collecting older children. The Elm Road student entrance gate is opened shortly before 3.10pm. Please contact the office if you think you will be late and you can collect your children from the Acre Road entrance.

    Do I need to send my child with a water bottle? 

    Yes please, named too.

    Can children bring bikes / scooters to school? 

    Yes, this is possible and there is parking for bikes and scooters at both Acre and Elm Road entrances. The school cannot accept responsibility for these items.

    Can my child walk to school on their own? 

    To help with transition for secondary school, children in Year 6 are permitted to walk to and from school by themselves. You must provide written permission to the school.

    How does the school communicate with us? 

    The school uses Arbor to keep you up to date with coming events or news from the school. You are automatically registered for Arbor once children are on the school administrative system. A newsletter is produced every week, usually on a Friday, and this includes dates, news and items of general information. We still produce paper copies of letters, either for parents who don't have access to email or because occasionally we feel it is more effective - so do please check your child's bag on a regular basis.

    Can my child bring an umbrella? 

    Yes, named please.

    Do children go out to play in the rain? 

    We believe that children are waterproof and should experience every weather condition. Therefore, we take children outside in rain so please look at the weather conditions and provide a coat if rain is forecast.

    How do I order lunches for my child? 

    Meals are cooked fresh on site every day by the borough caterer, Caterlink. Meals can be booked and paid for via ParentPay. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (and KS2 classes) are offered a free school meal as part of a Government Infant Free School Meal initiative, but these still need to be booked via ParentPay. Please contact the school office if you have not set up a ParentPay account.