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St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

St Luke's C.E. Primary School

High expectations, by all, for all, reflecting the example of Jesus

Our Curriculum

Curriculum Principle

St Luke's C.E. Primary School is committed to offering a broad, balanced, innovative and engaging curriculum which is relevant to the needs of all our learners.

Curriculum Drivers

1. Broad and balanced

We offer a rich and varied curriculum which not only includes the daily teaching and learning of English and Mathematics, but which includes provision for the delivery of Science, Physical Education, Computing, Art and Design, Design Technology, Geography, History, Religious Education, Foreign Languages, Music and PSHE all taught through a topic based (or “themed” approach).

2. Creative, Engaging and Inspirational

By delivering our curriculum through a themed approach, children are given the opportunity to wholly immerse themselves in a topic, leading to a high-quality learning experience.

Typically, a themed unit of work will be 'launched' through an extended learning session, sometimes taking the form of an out of school trip, or a workshop/visit from a specialist provider. This provides a catalyst for the children’s learning: igniting their creative spark, encouraging them to question further and giving them the opportunity to take ownership over how their learning develops.

Through this rich, creative curriculum, the school contributes to the development of a child’s self worth, a lifelong enthusiasm for learning and an optimism for the future in all our pupils.

3. Relevant to the needs of our pupils

By communicating regularly with our children, parents and local community, as well as rigourously analysing data to establish areas of strength and development; we are able to offer a curriculum which is highly relevant and tailored to the needs of our children, as well as allocate resources accordingly.  

This includes introducing intervention programmes to support our most vulnerable children, or those who experience barriers to their learning; as well as offering challenges and opportunities to extend our most able learners.

4. Delivered through high quality teaching

Our dedicated, enthusiastic teaching team are committed to delivering high quality teaching and learning. In doing so, they are well supported by an experienced and motivated team of support staff who hold the specific needs of individual children as paramount.

We provide the very best learning opportunities through experiential learning, by delivering innovative, flexible and inspiring lessons and imparting sound knowledge to our children.